by admin | May 3, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
So you’ve noticed that the vents in your restaurant kitchen are looking a bit greasy. That vent that you turn on whenever you’re cooking up a mouth-watering masterpiece of a meal for your customers, picking up steam, grease, and smells to keep the rest of your kitchen...
by admin | Apr 20, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
At A Cambie Grease Cleaning, we understand the effects that grease and oils can have if they’re not disposed of correctly. This article describes the effects of grease if disposed of incorrectly.
by admin | Apr 3, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Oil pollution can have devastating impacts on the environment if left unchecked. We can do our part in keeping our environment healthy by making sure that the fat, grease, and oils used up in our restaurants are captured by our grease traps. However, once it fills it,...
by admin | Mar 29, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Grease traps are a vital part of restaurants in collecting fat, grease, and oils so that they can be properly disposed of. It may not be the most pleasant thing, but it is important to our environment. Read about the different types of grease wastes here.
by admin | Mar 3, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
After a long and cold Winter in Richmond, it’s easy to forget to maintain the essential devices that keep your restaurant working. Likely, your grease traps have been pulling their weight and working overtime for the past season, collecting all the fats, oils, and...
by admin | Feb 23, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Dine Out is the best opportunities to try new restaurants around Vancouver. From franchises to fine-dining, A Cambie cleans grease traps for a lot of places around the city. Check out some of the Dine Out highlights...