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A Cambie knows that cleaning commercial grease traps can be one of the biggest hassles in maintaining a commercial kitchen.

Kitchen grease trap cleaning has to happen on a regular schedule to prevent costly backups and drainage problems, and in commercial kitchens it is often something that is best left to the professionals. But there are still things you can do in between scheduled cleans to keep things running at optimum levels.

Here are A Cambie’s top kitchen grease trap cleaning tips for easy grease trap maintenance:

– Schedule regular kitchen grease trap cleaning maintenance sessions to prevent a major backup.

– Do not pour boiling water into a sink that is connected to a grease trap. The water will liquefy the fats and greases in the trap and push them into the sewer pipe. Never connect a high-temperature dishwasher to a trap.

– Never pour chemicals, such as bleach or drain cleaners, down a tap. They are dangerous for the environment and will destroy any beneficial bacteria housed in your drain.

– Train your staff to clear as much food waste from plates before washing up

Want to stick to what you do best? Let A Cambie take care of kitchen grease trap cleaning for you. We provide services throughout Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey and the surrounding areas. Contact us now for a quote.