Get it cleaned right! Call 604-279-0501
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Happy New Year! It’s 2017 and things are bright and shiny again…and we’re not just talking about the ice and snow. The start of the year is always the perfect time to look back and reflect as well as to look forward. It’s a new beginning and a chance at a fresh start. What are your goals for this year? For a lot of us, there’s a lot of resolutions that we make. A lot of those probably have to do with your business. Cleanliness and safety are the most important to running an effective kitchen and successful restaurant. A big part of that is making sure you use the best grease trap service in Burnaby.

A Cambie has provided impeccable grease trap service in Burnaby for over 15 years. Improving your business means getting back to the basics. Providing clean and safe working conditions is the best place to start when thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. It’s easy to overlook grease trap cleaning especially when you have a busy kitchen. New staff needs to be trained and old staff needs to be diligent with increased production volume. Rest assured that scheduling routine grease trap cleaning with Burnaby’s best cleaning company will reduce the risk of fire hazard and unhygienic environments.

The best way to start the new year is by going back to the basics and scheduling routine grease trap service with Burnaby’s best grease trap cleaning company. Start the new year with the best. Start the new year with A Cambie! Contact us and schedule an appointment today.